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Fire Force Wiki

Chapter 13
Chapter 13
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Next Chapter 14
Chapter Info
Japanese スタンバイ
Arc VS. Special Fire Force Company 5 arc
Chapter 13
Pages 18
Volume Hero or Devil
Release Info
Japan January 6, 2016
No new techniques

Standby (スタンバイ, Sutanbai) is the thirteenth chapter of the Fire Force manga series.


While the two squads glared at each other intensely, Iris and Hibana looked at each other as if to say they had some sort of history together. The 5th Brigade retreated as they were able to attain what they had planned for. The next day, Shinra, Akitaru and Takehisa are all talking about the conflict with the 5th before that day, and how they were going to keep an extra eye on the 5th even if it means creating open dispute between them, all the while, acting noticeably weird to Shinra. As Shinra looks to his side, he sees Arthur spotting a small bird through the window, calling it a gryphon and damning it for approaching his "castle", metaphorically speaking of the Special Fire Cathedral 8, in which Shinra also calls him weird. Shinra discovers that everyone within the 8th is weird in their own way, other than Iris. When she picks something out of his hair, Shinra displays a large grin, to which Maki and Arthur jokingly call him the weird one. Takehisa pulls out a gun and reminds them all that they were gathered to have a meeting, and startlingly shoots Shinra in the leg, much to everybody's shock; though they soon realize there was no harm done to his leg. Takehisa goes on to explain his ability as a Second Generation, and how he's able to weaken the explosion caused by the firing in the pistol, and therefore not cause as much harm. He then talks about how they will be encountering lots of unique characters with varying Ignition Abilities, such as the one Takehisa demonstrated. Some of the members go up to the roof and start training. Shinra asks Takehisa about Hibana, and they talk vaguely about her past and how she became a Battalion Commander. At the Special Fire Force Combine 5, Setsuo begs for forgiveness as he's being tortured by Hibana. Back at the church, Iris is in the courtyard performing a purifying ritual in just a wet towel, when Shinra accidentally walked in on her, exciting a giant grin on his face.

Character Appearances[]


  • At the end of the chapter where the title of the next chapter is previewed, Chapter 15's title was mistakenly written instead of Chapter 14.

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v  e
Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 012345
Volume 2 6789101112131415
Volume 3 16171819202122232425
Volume 4 262728293031323334
Volume 5 3536373839404142
Volume 6 434445464748495051
Volume 7 525354555657585960
Volume 8 616263646566676869
Volume 9 707172737475767778
Volume 10 798081828384858687
Volume 11 888990919293949596
Volume 12 979899100101102103104105
Volume 13 106107108109110111112113114
Volume 14 115116117118119120121122123
Volume 15 124125126127128129130131132
Volume 16 133134135136137138139140141
Volume 17 142143144145146147148149150
Volume 18 151152153154155156157158159
Volume 19 160161162163164165166167168
Volume 20 169170171172173174175176177
Volume 21 178179180181182183184185186
Volume 22 187188189190191192193194195
Volume 23 196197198199200201202203204
Volume 24 205206207208209210211212213
Volume 25 214215216217218219220221222
Volume 26 223224225226227228229230231
Volume 27 232233234235236237238239240
Volume 28 241242243244245246247248249
Volume 29 250251252253254255256257258
Volume 30 259260261262263264265266267
Volume 31 268269270271272273274275276277
Volume 32 278279280281282283284285286
Volume 33 287288289290291292293294295
Volume 34 296297298299300301302303304
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VS. Special Fire Force Company 5 arc
Chapters 1314151617181920
Epiosdes 567